Appropriate pipeline coating depends upon a multitude of factors, and the most important one is the specialist you choose to get the job done. Dealing with oil and gas pipelines is risky business, and if you aren’t careful with the service companies you choose to repair and maintain them, you could experience tragic losses on a massive scale.
Why You Should Choose Barrier Group!
Season’s Greetings from Barrier Group
The Barrier Group team wishes everyone a happy and safe Christmas! May the New Year be filled with joy, health, and prosperity!
We would like to inform our clients that our office will be closed on December 24 and 26, 2019, and January 1, 2020.
If you need any assistance from us during this time, feel free to get in touch with us by clicking here.
Announcing The New Website
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website!
Barrier Group Thanks You For Your Support!
As an industrial company that services the Oil and Gas Industry across Western Canada, we believe that we need to do more than just focus on ourselves. With this in mind, we organized Barrier’s 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament, to raise funds that will benefit The Mustard Seed, Edmonton.
Barrier Group is now on Instagram!
We're happy to announce that we're now on Instagram. Follow us on
New Website Under Construction
New Website Coming Soon!